Brian Abbs – Snapshot Starter Language Booster

1The Language Booster is a flexible resource which offers self-access material for students in a wide range of teaching situations. It is not necessary for students to work through all the material, although they can do so if they wish.
It provides substantial remedial work for slower learners, whilst challenging the more able.

De Brian Abbs&Chris Barker&Ingrid Freebairn

Snapshot Pre-Intermediate Students’ Book

Scris de Ilă Citilă

L-au impresionat din şcoala generală Marin Preda şi Mircea Eliade. Avea poemele lui Ginsberg în copii la indigo. Este vicepreşedinte al Asociaţiei Profesioniştilor de Relaţii Publice şi membru al American Association of Political Consultants. Coordonează blogul de cărţi BOOKISEALA.

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